Same-day medical fit-to fly certificate, required to confirm that both you and your baby are safe to travel.
Availability: UK ONLY
If you’re pregnant and planning to travel by air or sea, you may require a fit-to-fly certificate confirming that both you and your baby are safe to travel.
Our doctors can provide you with a same-day medical certificate that will confirm your due date, and that you are not at risk of complications. No appointment is needed – simply apply online.
You will receive a verifiable digital PDF letter signed by a medical professional and sent directly to your mobile, containing the following details:
Your name, date of birth and passport number.
Confirmation of a singleton or multiple pregnancy.
Your gestation at the time of departure and return, and estimated delivery date.
Confirmation that your pregnancy is progressing normally, that you are in good health and fit to fly.
Signature and authorisation by one of our GMC-registered UK doctors.
Contact details of ZoomDoc Health with a QR code enabling a verification check.
To allow us to assess your condition and issue a medical certificate, we will require the following information:
However, flying while pregnant with any known health issues or complications could put both you and your pregnancy at risk. If you have previously been advised not to fly for any reason, or if your pregnancy is deemed more complicated and high risk, our Doctors will advise against flying.
Our priority is always to keep you and your baby safe. Therefore, our doctors will be advise against travel if you have any of the following:
Your BMI is 30 or above at the start of your pregnancy – because there is increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clots) while flying.
You are experiencing a more complicated pregnancy with underlying health conditions or risk factors
Gestational Diabetes
Blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
High blood pressure
Miscarriage after 18 weeks’ gestation,
Heart or lung condition
Severe anaemia
Sickle cell disease
Low-lying placenta
Low Papp-A
With any of the above - our Doctors will provide certificate advising against travel.
Please note: ZoomDoc Health is unable to complete any additional airline or cruise forms separate from this fit-to-fly certificate.
Experienced UK GMC-Registered doctors – caring, supportive, and dedicated to providing exceptional care.
Growth and Wellbeing Scan (22 – 38 weeks)
Upload by 9pm for same-day service. Complete a short online form and upload your recent maternity notes.
Our doctors will look over the evidence you provide.
You’ll receive an email with your letter, with a QR code so they can be verified and accepted worldwide.
To allow us to assess your condition and issue a medical certificate, we will require the following information:
A photo of your passport
Your gestation at the time of both departure and return
Your estimated delivery date
Any health or pregnancy-related issues
A copy of your recent maternity notes
Details of your regular NHS GP (if you have one)
If your query is not answered in our FAQ's below - please send us a message via this form.